OEM Brochures

On the page below you will find all available original OEM brochures of the various harvsters brands, series and attachments.

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On the page below you will find all available original OEM brochures of the various harvsters brands, series and attachments.

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OEM Brochures

On the page below you will find all available original OEM brochures of the various harvsters brands, series and attachments.

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On the page below you will find all available original OEM brochures of the various harvsters brands, series and attachments.

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55 Items

we ship all our products worldwide
  1. Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 Espanol
    Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 Espanol
    La JAGUAR es la picadora más vendida del mundo. Este logro se lo debe en gran medida a su extraordinaria versatilidad. Cosechar u ordeñar maíz, segar plantas integrales, recoger hileras, segar hierba, cosechar cereal y Salix – la JAGUAR está en su salsa siempre que se necesite una calidad de picado excepcional. En la Provenza se utiliza incluso para la cosecha de lavanda.
  2. Claas 496 Jaguar 870-860-850-840 Deutsch
    Claas 496 Jaguar 870-860-850-840 Deutsch

    Gibt es eine Alternative zum besten Ergebnis? Zu höchster Effizienz bei minimalem Verbrauch? Ihre Herausforderungen wachsen. Ihre Ansprüche zählen. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser Antrieb zu immer neuen Lösungen.

    Mehr Produktivität, mehr Vielfalt, mehr Komfort, mehr Ergebnis:

    Dafür steht die JAGUAR 800er Baureihe und bildet so eine ganz eigene Klasse. Vollkommen ohne Alternative. Die JAGUAR Modelle

  3. Claas 496 - 498 Jaguar 800-900 series English
    Claas 496 - 498 Jaguar 800-900 series English

    At CLAAS, we work every day to make harvesting a little better. We do this with up-to-date machines, with real engineering skill, and above all - with mud on our boots. Once our machines have finished their work, another cycle from planting to harvesting begins again.

    All our efforts are geared toward ensuring that people are able to ome home at the end of the day with the satisfaction that they have done a good job. And every day we develop new ideas to keep things that way. Some outstanding examples can be found in the new JAGUAR.

    As soon as it made its debut, the JAGUAR forage harvesters impressed with outstanding performance and low fuel consumption. And ever since, it has demonstrated how successfully CLAAS concentrates on consistent and practical development in this extremely demanding field. In this way, we ensure that it continues to be the most popular forage harvester in the world

  4. Claas Prospekt-Attachments Dutch
    Claas Prospekt-Attachments Dutch
    Op hun taak berekend. Met de veelzijdig inzetbare voorzetstukken, oogsten de CLAAS JAGUAR vandaag de dag op alle velden in de wereld de meest uiteenlopende gewassen. De permanente doorontwikkeling van de robuuste voorzetstukken komt tot uiting in de voor u hoge bedrijfszekerheid. Bijzondere aandacht bij de ontwikkeling is met name gericht op de kwaliteit van het werk, de slijtvastheid en de capaciteit van de voorzetstukken.
  5. John Deere 8100-8200-8400-8500-8600
    John Deere 8100-8200-8400-8500-8600

    No one brings more experience to the forage harvesting business than John Deere. Since 1837, we’ve been making innovative solutions for farming. And we’ve used those years of field experience to create field equipment that works quickly, yet gently.

    Despite nearly 50 years in the forage harvesting business, we invested more in research and development of this new generation of forage harvesters than ever before. Not only will John Deere forage harvesters help you produce premium-quality silage, but they can be equipped with technology tools that will simplify and speed decision making, reduce operating costs and improve your bottom line. Forage harvesters are complex machines.

    And John Deere is the only agricultural equipment manufacturer that designs and builds its own engines, drivetrains, hydraulics, cooling systems, electronics and telematics. We have a lot of experience with forage equipment, but we know that’s no substitute for making forage year after year. And that’s why we asked what you wanted.

  6. New Holland FR450-FR500-FR600-FR700-FR850 EU
    New Holland FR450-FR500-FR600-FR700-FR850 EU
    For over half a century, New Holland has led the way in self-propelled forage harvesting innovation and capacity. The NEW FR Series harvesters continue New Holland’s legacy of industry-leading chopping quality and performance, and add significantly improved capacity, operator comfort and control
  7. John Deere 7980i Pro Drive Filter Overview
    John Deere 7980i Pro Drive Filter Overview
    Filter overview with service intervals and capacities 7980 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester
  8. Kemper 490plus operators manual
    Kemper 490plus operators manual
  9. Kemper 4500 spare part list - german
    Kemper 4500 spare part list - german
  10. KRONE Big-X500 parts manual
    KRONE Big-X500 parts manual
  11. Claas 491 Jaguar 880-860-840-820-820-800 Deutsch
    Claas 491 Jaguar 880-860-840-820-820-800 Deutsch
    Mit der Häckslerreihe JAGUAR 880, 860, 840 und 820 hat CLAAS wieder einmal Maßstäbe gesetzt. In diesen Maschinen sind die Forderungen der Praxis in modernste Häckseltechnik umgesetzt. Da sind der superstarke MercedesBenz-Dieselmotor, der Kraft für extremste Erntesituationen gibt; die Komfortkabine, die ein völlig entspanntes Arbeitsklima schafft; die Minirüstzeiten, die flexibel machen und Maxi-Erntezeiten bringen; die vollautomatische Zentralschmierung, die Wartung zur Nebensache werden läßt. Nur wenige Beispiele - auf den nächsten Seiten werden Sie weitere Pluspunkte entdecken.
  12. Kemper 300 & 400 extra options
    Kemper 300 & 400 extra options
  13. New Holland FR450-FR500-FR600-FR700-FR850 USA
    New Holland FR450-FR500-FR600-FR700-FR850 USA
    For over half a century, New Holland has led the way in self-propelled forage harvesting innovation and capacity. The NEW FR Series harvesters continue New Holland’s legacy of industry-leading chopping quality and performance, and add significantly improved capacity and operator comfort and control
  14. Krone EasyCollect Instruction Manual 600.3-750.3-900.3
    Krone EasyCollect Instruction Manual 600.3-750.3-900.3
  15. Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 English
    Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 English
    The JAGUAR is the best selling forage harvester in the world. This status is due to, among other things, its enormous versatility. Harvesting or picking maize, wholeplant cutting, swath pickup, grass mowing, grain and willow harvesting – wherever outstanding chop quality is demanded, the JAGUAR is in its element. In Provence it is even used in the lavender harvest
  16. Claas 498 Jaguar 900 series English
    Claas 498 Jaguar 900 series English
    When you need sophisticated engineering, dependable performance and outstanding results. When your head and your gut are telling you the same thing. Then it’s time for the new JAGUAR. With its unique overall concept, a new header drive and a wide range of corncracker rollers including patented SHREDLAGE technology, it will help you safely bring in your harvest with up to 884 hp
  17. John Deere 7000 series Technical Specifications
    John Deere 7000 series Technical Specifications
  18. New Holland FR9000 series - English
    New Holland FR9000 series - English

    New FR9000 Series harvesters offer a new level of power, capacity and comfort. If you have a lot to chop, FR9000 Series self-propelled forage harvesters have a voracious appetite. The FR9000 Series offers a wider horsepower range, the widest feedrolls, biggest cutterhead, and unmatched operator comfort. All this gives the operator precise control and maximum efficiency in the field.

  19. John Deere 7080i Pro Drive all models German
    John Deere 7080i Pro Drive all models German

    Wer sich für den Kauf eines Feldhäckslers entscheidet, überlegt sich genau, welches Produkt das Passende für seinen Betrieb ist. Ganz egal ob Sie Lohnunternehmer, Biogasanlagenbetreiber oder Betriebsleiter eines Rind- oder Milchviehbetriebs sind – Sie brauchen Lösungen, die auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.

    Genau darauf sind Feldhäcksler von John Deere spezialisiert. Die entscheidenden Eckpfeiler eines erfolgreichen Feldhäckslers sind Häckselqualität, Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Und genau an diesen Eckpfeilern haben die Ingenieure von John Deere die letzten Jahre hart gearbeitet, um Ihnen heute eine Maschine zu präsentieren, die in der gleichen Zeit mehr leistet, weniger verbraucht und weniger Verschleiß hat.

    Diese Technologien werden nicht nur für Aufsehen sorgen – sie werden den Markt im Bereich Kraftstoffverbrauch und Verschleißverhalten revolutionieren – Made in Germany

  20. Krone EasyCollect 6000FP
    Krone EasyCollect 6000FP
    EasyCollect 6000 FP – The innovative, row-independent harvesting head from KRONE with a working width of 6.00 m (20'). Field trials have revealed that EasyCollect 6000 FP can utilize its technical features to the maximum even in combination with competitive brands of forage harvesters. Thanks to its unique collector principle, it has been possible to improve the chop quality! Also due to fewer components, the wear and servicing requirements have been dramatically reduced. This is luxury as it is effortless.
  21. JohnDeere Kemper 400 series
    JohnDeere Kemper 400 series
  22. KRONE Big-X500-650-800-1000 operator manual
    KRONE Big-X500-650-800-1000 operator manual
    Original operating Instructions 150 000 103 03 en
  23. Kemper 345-360-375-390plus cornheader DE
    Kemper 345-360-375-390plus cornheader DE
    Die Erntevorsätze der 300plus-Serie mähen mit hoher Drehzahl schnell und kompromisslos. Bis zu 12 Mährotoren ermöglichen den Einsatz bei unterschiedlichstem Erntegut – ganz unabhängig vom Reihenabstand. Dank dieser reihenunabhängigen Erntetechnik kann das Feld von jeder Seite angefahren werden, besonders wichtig bei Lagermais. Die gleichmäßige Zufuhr der Erntefrüchte in Längsrichtung zum Häckselaggregat und die saubere Bündelung durch die speziellen Stufenfördertrommeln erlauben eine volle Auslastung Ihres Feldhäckslers. Die 300plus-Serie bietet höchste Produktivität bei maximaler Häckselqualität in jeder Häckseltrommelbreite. Professionell –
  24. John Deere 8000 Series SPFH
    John Deere 8000 Series SPFH

    No one brings more experience to the forage harvesting business than John Deere. Since 1837, we’ve been making innovative solutions for farming. And we’ve used those years of field experience to create field equipment that works quickly, yet gently.

    Despite nearly 50 years in the forage harvesting business, we invested more in research and development of this new generation of forage harvesters than ever before. Not only will John Deere forage harvesters help you produce premium-quality silage, but they can be equipped with technology tools that will simplify and speed decision making, reduce operating costs and improve your bottom line.

    Forage harvesters are complex machines. And John Deere is the only agricultural equipment manufacturer that designs and builds its own engines, drivetrains, hydraulics, cooling systems, electronics and telematics. We have a lot of experience with forage equipment, but we know that’s no substitute for making forage year after year. And that’s why we asked what you wanted.

  25. Kemper 460plus operators manual
    Kemper 460plus operators manual
  26. John Deere 6010 Series - Filter & service intervals
    John Deere 6010 Series - Filter & service intervals
    Filter overview with service intervals and capacities
  27. Kemper 445-460-475plus
    Kemper 445-460-475plus
    Know-how und Erfahrung sind die Basis für innovative Lösungen und überlegene Qualität. Seit über 100 Jahren entwickeln, produzieren und vertreiben wir bestmögliche Technik für professionelle Anwender – weltweit. „Made in Germany“ ist für uns mehr als ein Siegel. Auf einem 100.000 m2 großen Betriebsgelände im Münsterland beschäftigt KEMPER ca. 250 Mitarbeiter. Entwicklung, Kundenbetreuung und Produktion sind bei uns eng vernetzt. Dies ist der Garant für eine kontinuierliche Produktweiterentwicklung.
  28. Kemper 445 instruction manual
    Kemper 445 instruction manual
  29. Claas 498 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 English
    Claas 498 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 English
    As soon as it made its debut, the JAGUAR forage harvesters impressed with outstanding performance and low fuel consumption. And ever since, it has demonstrated how successfully CLAAS concentrates on consistent and practical development in this extremely demanding field. In this way, we ensure that it continues to be the most popular forage harvester in the world
  30. KRONE Big-X V8-V12
    KRONE Big-X V8-V12
    Long working days, often until long into the night— requiring endurance and concentration from the driver and so obviously, workplace comfort is paramount! With comfort in mind, Krone has developed a well-dimensioned cab incorporating all the latest ergonomic aspects. Generously designed, air-conditioned and with all the necessary equipment: Here the driver has all the major working and operating functions both directly in his field of vision and at his fingertips
  31. John Deere 7000 series Inspection Guide
    John Deere 7000 series Inspection Guide

    During Harvest your SPFH works hard. It has to in order to keep up with the thight schedules and customer demands you face each day. The good news is, when you keep up on routinge maintenance your machine should have no prolem meeting your high expactations, even if you are putting in up to 500 hours in the field. When you follow these tips for cleaning, inspection and updating your parts during the off-seaon, you will avoid downtime and improve you efficiency in the field this harvest.

  32. KRONE Big-X800-1000 parts manual
    KRONE Big-X800-1000 parts manual
  33. New Holland H FX30-40-50-60_Dutch
    New Holland H FX30-40-50-60_Dutch
    New Hollands nieuwe reeks FX-veldhakselaars is het technologische antwoord op de huidige en toekomstige behoeften van professionele gebruikers. De nieuwe FX-modellen leveren u kuilvoer van maximale kwaliteit en een ongeëvenaard productievermogen in alle werkomstandigheden. Maar New Holland doet meer dan enkel maar het ontwerpen en bouwen van topmachines. Via haar wereldwijde netwerk van toegewijde professionele dealers, biedt New Holland een assortiment van ondersteuningsdiensten aan om ervoor te zorgen dat de gebruiker alles uit zijn machine haalt waarop hij hoopte, of zelfs meer.
  34. John Deere 7250-7350-7450-7550-7750-7850 brochure EU
    John Deere 7250-7350-7450-7550-7750-7850 brochure EU

    Up to 690 horsepower. A machine that can work through the day and night.

    The new John Deere 7050 has been tested across the world from New Zealand to the central plains of North America and right across Europe.

    Wet soils. Sandy soils. Soils that are full of sharp stones and rocks. From maize to grass, wheat to sorghum. Producing high quality silage for cattle. High output silage for biogas.

    We don’t think you should expect any less from a company that invests $725 million every year in research and development. That’s more than $3 million every working day. And more than any other agricultural equipment manufacturer

  35. New Holland FR9040-FR9090 EU
    New Holland FR9040-FR9090 EU
    The shape of the new FR9000 models is functional and its styling underlines the future oriented considerations that are the basis of its concept. The largest cutterhead in the industry provides unmatched productivity. The Variflow™ blower repositioning system saves power in the crop blowing section, reducing operating costs. The Power Cruise™ system automatically adapts the ground speed to reach the highest possible work rate. The new FR9000 forage harvester models are designed and equipped to provide what today’s and tomorrow’s owners expect from their investment.
  36. Kemper 475plus operators manual
    Kemper 475plus operators manual
  37. Kemper 330-345-360-375 cornheader instruction manual USA
    Kemper 330-345-360-375 cornheader instruction manual USA
  38. KRONE EasyCollect-450-600-750-900
    KRONE EasyCollect-450-600-750-900

    EasyCollect FP 450-2 ∙ 600-2 ∙ 600-3 ∙ 750-2 ∙ 750-3 and 900-3 are the innovative variable-row maize headers from Krone for third-party forager brands. Featuring the unique collector technology, these headers feed the stalks lengthwise into the harvester for a superior quality of chop at low costs.

  39. Kemper 445 operators manual
    Kemper 445 operators manual
  40. John Deere 7050 and 7050i
    John Deere 7050 and 7050i
    John Deere equipment is known for its outstanding reliability all over the world. So when you invest in a John Deere 7050 or 7050i forage harvester, you can be sure of getting a tough, proven machine that can work flat out all season – without missing a beat. That said, reliability is only one of our strengths! These versatile machines chop top quality silage – and top quantity biomass – more profitably than ever before. Thanks to our powerful i-solutions and guidance systems, they deliver consistent, high productivity right round the clock. They can even provide the data you need to manage your business more effectively. With a powerful new model, a larger header range and our new Dura Line parts, this year’s range is the best we’ve ever built. Discover why!
  41. KRONE Big_X_Cornheader USA
    KRONE Big_X_Cornheader USA

    If it were enough to simply cut corn silage, then a Krone would not be so special. The German engineering standards applied to these North American machines would not be unique. The design that enables the BiG X to produce the highest quality silage crops would be of no unusual importance. But that is not the case. And so, a Krone machine is a special machine indeed.

  42. John Deere 7080i Pro Drive all models English
    John Deere 7080i Pro Drive all models English
    A forage harvester is not just a machine. It is a powerful business tool which strongly influences the level of silage quality, customer service and, ultimately, your profitability. This book is about answering the questions that really matter and helping you to make the right choice
  43. Kemper 445 alias 4500
    Kemper 445 alias 4500
  44. BMV - Atelier3T hay pickup
    BMV - Atelier3T hay pickup
  45. John Deere 7250-7350-7450-7550-7750-7950 brochure USA
    John Deere 7250-7350-7450-7550-7750-7950 brochure USA

    Let’s face it. During harvest season, there’s very little that’s as important as chopping high-quality forage, except for making sure it retains that quality while being ensiled. Which is why, frankly, you need a John Deere self-propelled forage harvester.

    Our 7050 Forage Harvesters are engineered and built to deliver unprecedented productivity, up-time, and quality. From the 380-hp* 7250, up to the mammoth 7950 with its 800 hp*, our lineup offers a wide range of power and capacity to match your needs. And to provide truly exceptional performance, we’ve paired that power with precision control.

    So whether you’re a dairy or beef operator focused on chopping quality feed for your herd, or a custom harvester looking for equipment that keeps your customers satisfied, you’ve come to the right place – John Deere, the home of the 7050 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters.

  46. Kemper 330-345-360-375-390 options USA
    Kemper 330-345-360-375-390 options USA
  47. Claas 498 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 Deutsch
    Claas 498 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 Deutsch
    Wenn Sie ausgereifte Technik, zuverlässige Leistung und ein exzellentes Ergebnis brauchen. Wenn Kopf und Bauch gut zusammenspielen müssen. Dann ist es Zeit für den neuen JAGUAR. Mit seinem einzigartigen Gesamtkonzept, einem neuen Vorsatzantrieb sowie einer breiten Auswahl an Corncracker-Walzen inklusive patentierter SHREDLAGE Technologie fährt er mit bis zu 884 PS Ihre Ernte sicher ein
  48. New Holland FX28-38-58 USA
    New Holland FX28-38-58 USA

    FX self-propelled forage harvesters from New Holland are the most powerful, highest-capacity chopping machines we’ve ever built. Up to 525 horses strong The FX58 is equipped with a turbocharged, intercooled 525-horse power Caterpillar diesel that delivers unmatched cutting power to harvest crops faster than ever before. The FX38, equipped with a New Holland six-cylinder, turbocharged diesel, produces 414 horsepower while the FX28 puts 346 horsepower to work.

  49. Kemper 330-345-360-375 cornheader USA
    Kemper 330-345-360-375 cornheader USA
  50. Claas 494 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 Deutsch
    Claas 494 Jaguar 980-970-960-950-940-930 Deutsch
    Wie kommt es, dass die gefühlte Arbeitszeit auf dem JAGUAR oft deutlich geringer ist, als die Uhr anzeigt? Weil die CLAAS Komfortkabine VISTA CAB einen hohen Anspruch konsequent verwirklicht: den Fahrer rundherum von allem zu entlasten, was ihn unnötigen Aufwand, Kraft und Mühe kosten könnte. Ein Arbeitstag im Feld ist lang und fordernd genug – wer sich da aufs Wesentliche konzentrieren kann, erhöht nicht nur die Leistung, sondern auch die Arbeitssicherheit
  51. Claas 492 Jaguar-900-890-870-850-830 Deutsch
    Claas 492 Jaguar-900-890-870-850-830 Deutsch
    In die neue JAGUAR-Baureihe wurden alle Vorteile der bestehenden Serie über¬ nommen, denn auch bei der Evolution ändert die Natur nichts, was sich tausend¬ fach bewährt hat. So blieb der quer eingebaute Motor mit dem direkten Antrieb von der Kurbelwelle auf die Messertrommel, der geradlinige Gutfluss durch die gesamte aschine der bewährte Grundaufbau und vieles andere mehr erhalten
  52. Claas Jaguar-Front-Attachments 2016 English
    Claas Jaguar-Front-Attachments 2016 English
    With their versatile range of front attachments, CLAAS JAGUAR machines harvest an extremely diverse array of crops around the world. The effort put into the continuous development of the powerful front attachments is reflected in their high operating reliability. The development activity focuses in particular on the work quality, wear resistance and performance of the front attachments
  53. New Holland FR480-FR550-FR650-FR780-FR850
    New Holland FR480-FR550-FR650-FR780-FR850
    New Holland has been at the forefront of the forage harvesting sector for over half a century with a whole host of pioneering industry firsts that have revolutionized the way you harvest today. Now, New Holland is proud to introduce the new five-model FR Forage Cruiser line with powers ranging from 476 hp right up to the mighty 824 hp of the flagship FR850 model. New Holland married industry-leading chopping performance to outstanding operator comfort and added superior control with the IntelliView™ IV monitor. Significantly improved capacity and productivity result from better crop flow and new engines. All this is wrapped up in a sleek, tapered design which has New Holland written all over it
  54. Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 Deutsch
    Claas 493 Jaguar 900-890-870-850-830 Deutsch
    Der JAGUAR ist der meistverkaufte Feldhäcksler der Welt. Diesen Status hat er unter anderem seiner enormen Vielseitigkeit zu verdanken. Mais ernten oder pflücken, Ganzpflanzen schneiden, Schwaden aufnehmen, Gras mähen, Getreide und Salix ernten – wo immer herausragende Häckselqualität gefragt ist, ist der JAGUAR in seinem Element. In der Provence wird er sogar in der Lavendelernte eingesetzt
  55. KRONE Big-X500-650-800-1000 product manual
    KRONE Big-X500-650-800-1000 product manual

    KRONE has been building Forage Harvesters since 1977. At that time due to lower horsepower tractors, KRONE started with towed and hitched Forage Harvesters. The industrialization of Agriculture has advanced in leaps and bounds and the farmers began to specialize more and more. KRONE anticipated in many trends and brought out new machines to the market, long before the majority of Farmers asked for them. With the row-independent Corn Harvester MC 16 B with 5' working width, KRONE took the first step in higher productivity machines in the mid 1980s. Today we have taken leadership in, not only in Horsepower, Productivity, but more importantly Chop Quality – As what comes out the machine is what counts. We welcome you to the new dimension of Forage Giants.

55 Items

we ship all our products worldwide